Informational Videos for YouTube
Linus creates informational videos for companies, editorial teams, organizations, or individuals who want to package information into a clear and concise film. Another goal could be to establish a presence on YouTube and enhance your SEO strategy.
Examples of informational videos can be tutorials, instructional guides, reviews or videos that explain a process – like how to play paddle with all the game rules and so forth. Or why not how to assamble an IKEA kitchen, or safely ignite a gas heater. Personally I enjoy receiving information in video format first, and I think a lot of people like this kind of informational sources because YouTube is really blowing up right now in terms of users and creators.
The approach of creating informational videos depends entirely on the message you want to deliver. An informational video can be both entertaining and engaging while still providing important, accurate information. In other cases, a more traditional step-by-step approach may work just as well, especially when explaining a process. You want to go skip all the fluff and go straight to the point.
So, who might benefit from informational videos? Just about everyone I would say. On YouTube you can find tutorials on virtually anything you can imagine. Searching for information on YouTube has become as common as Googling. I now when Google owns Youtube its basically the same, which is pretty cool! These search engines complement each other well, and making SEO-optimized informational videos on YouTube is a smart investment right now.
Idea to finished video
What message do you want to communicate and why is it important to share? A strong idea is the fundation.
The Process..
How do you want to present the information? How do you want the audience to perceive the video?
Does the video have a home platform? Should you invest in paid channels or go the organic route?