Documentary Films
Linus produces and creates documentary films for various purposes. Sometimes I reach out directly to individuals when I hear about something that catches my interest – Other times, organizations or companies approach me with a request for documentary storytelling that has a commercial angle.
Engaging All the Senses
Making a documentary film is an exciting challenge where all senses are vital in creating content that accurately represents what took place during filming. The key is to be attentive and alert during the shoot. It's one of my favorite parts of filmmaking – to just witness amazing stories and then share it with people through my documentaries.
What do we want to communicate with the film? Does the footage align with our initial vision? Do we need to re-think or change direction? There are many questions and paths to explore when creating a documentary, which makes it fun and very creative.
A Creative Challenge
I enjoy the creative challenge of making documentaries and I love the journey just as much as the final result. It’s essential to enjoy the process outwise the film will only be a means to an end. Filming is only part of the process. Before I start out I usually plan or put some initial outlines with moodboards, key messages and also brief research on the locations.
When I produce a documentary I usually do most parts myself. But bringing someone along has been an eye-opener for me and it can make the process more fun. I prefer to have a small team on set to maintain a calm and harmonious atmosphere. Technically, I often use wireless lavalier mics in combination with a shotgun mic depending on the situation.
My goal is to realize my visions and ideas. Both for myself and in collaboration with others. I’m grateful for all the clients and people I’ve had the opportunity to work with so far. Check out examples of documentaries in my portfolio.
What do we want to explore and delve deeper into? Is there a story worth telling? Why create this documentary?
Who, where, how, and when? How do we approach making the film as good as possible given the circumstances?
Everything related to the production—meetings, schedules, post-production, etc.