This weekend I had a wonderful meeting with Oscar Lucero Oliva and became two tattoos richer. We have a mutual friend together which was the entrance to this exciting meeting. I helped Oscar with a film project out on Jogersö in the morning and after lunch the focus was on tattoos, in Oscar's home studio in Oxelösund.
I had a period in 2017-2019 where I visited German Leipzig to get a tattoo. Now about four years later, it was time again for two small fillers on my almost perfect left arm sleeve. I chose a Yin Yang symbol as well as a snake in the infinity sign. Two symbols that I feel strongly about. I also created a mini-film from the occasion. The paintings and prints in the film were created by Oscar .
I am at my best when I can create film while experiencing something. Everything is very easy and the result usually exceeds my expectations.